CrossFit Deep Athlete Feature: Bryan Smith

CrossFit Deep athlete, Bryan Smith, celebrated his five year CrossFit anniversary this past July and his hard work has paid off. 

Prior to joining CrossFit Deep in the summer of 2015 Bryan was always pretty active with sports and lifting. 

“While I was in the Army I would do physical training with my platoon, mainly CrossFit style grass drills, running and ruck marching.” 

Bryan had a hard time getting re-motivated after his first hernia surgery, which prompted him to try out CrossFit Deep. 

“CrossFit Deep’s atmosphere, coaching and members really reignited my passion for fitness.” 

These past five years Bryan has experienced both change mentally and physically … I mean look at those ABS. 

“CrossFit Deep has increased my mental stamina not just in the gym but in most aspects of my life. I’ve learned to just keep grinding through whateverit is and be a better and stronger person for having endured the pain.” 

Prior to starting CrossFit, Bryan had little to none mobility and strength in his shoulders and weighed around 217lbs. 

“I’m now around 7% body fat and weigh 202lbs. Even with my weight loss and five years older I am still hitting new PR’s regularly.” 

Next up on Bryan’s CrossFit bucket list is to string together multiple muscle-ups, benching 315lbs, and snatching 225lbs. (We think he’ll get all of these in no time)

If you are looking for Bryan you can find him in the 5:30 AM class or in all the other activities he enjoys outside of the gym, such as, running, biking, and swimming! (Bryan just completed his first triathlon this past Labor Day)

 HUGE congrats to Bryan for all his success - we can’t wait to see what this next year holds!