
We love our members and nothing brings us more joy than watching them accomplish their goals. Here are some of their stories, be sure to check back as we continue to add many more!



"CrossFit Deep is the first and only CrossFit gym where I have been a member. I can’t see myself joining another gym either! CrossFit Deep is the most supportive workout environment I can imagine. The coaches are wildly knowledgeable and encouraging, and there’s nothing like bonding with friends over dying in the same workout."


Amy & Graham

“Mentally has been the biggest change so far! I was in a pretty deep rut in terms of my fitness before we found Deep. Working out sporadically and half-assed when I did. CF Deep expects you to show up, and everything is geared around that. Not from a judgmental or pushy standpoint, but from truly caring about getting you to where you want to be. The coaching is awesome and so are the other members. Always stressing accountability and keeping you positive. Physically, I still have a long way to go, but I know if I keep coming consistently I’ll be rewarded in that regard. I’m hoping to see some real progress after the Nutrition Challenge!” - Amy

“Mentally, I’m happier and more energetic during the day. Physically, I am starting to feel like I am getting back into the shape I need to be. I can tell I am stronger and daily life is just easier with more muscle and less fat!” - Graham


“Physically, CrossFit has challenged me in areas where I’ve had struggles with before, such as, body weight and gymnastic movements. I never thought i could do butterfly or kipping pull-ups. I never thought I would be able to get my body over rings or a bar for a muscle-up.”