Deep Comp - 07/06/2015


I. Warm-Up

30 Calorie Row

10 Glute-ham Raises (GHD)

6 Eccentric Muscleups (from dip position)

  1. Start as if you were about to do a hip extension on the GHD, instead of stopping at parallel, flex the hamstring to pull yourself the rest of the way until you are resting on your knees on the GHD pad with hips fully open. Use a much shorter setting so that the knees can press into the pad.
  2. Start in the bottom of a dip, as slowly as possible, lower yourself out of the muscle up transition until your arms are fully extended.

II. Strength

Back Squat - 72% x 5 x 5

(Rest 2-3 minutes)

  1. No sleeves, weightlifters, or belts. 

Snatch Balance + Hang Snatch + BTK Snatch + Snatch - 70% x 4 x 5 - From racks

(Rest 2-3 minutes)

III. Skillrobic

6 Rounds

16 Alternating Pistols

40' Handstand Walk / Accumulate 20s Partner Freestanding HS Hold

5 Muscleups

Rest 2 Minutes

  1. Have a partner spot you as you kick up into a HS Hold. Spot the freestander as little as possible / as needed to keep them upright.

IV. Conditioning


Row 1000m

20 Power Snatches 155/105#

  1. Whenever you see AFAP think testing pace. We are going for 100% effort.