Deep Comp- 10/27/15

I. Warm-Up

400m Run
Shoulder Capsule Stretch

II. Strength

A. Press 6x1 (working weight 95-100%)
*After last rep, perform max effort push press before racking the barbell.

**Fittest games athletes, do 6x1 at 80-85%. No max effort set. After press, perform 3x1 jerk dips with a 2s pause at 110% of your clean & jerk max. 

B. Pullups
4 Sets of complex: 3 Strict Weighted + 3 Strict Bodyweight + 6 Kipping C2B

III. Conditioning

6 Rounds
3 Cleans 225/155#
6 Box Jumps 30/24"
9 T2B

*Perform power cleans for as long as possible. Squat cleans are acceptable.

 **Fittest Games athletes, scale to 205/145#

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