Deep Comp - 10/23/15


Mandatory meeting tomorrow at 11 AM. Please be here early. 

I. Warm-Up

Barbell Quad Mash (top and inside)
10 Single Leg GHD Hip Extension e/s
30 Sec Banded Hip Flexor Stretch e/s
400m Run

II. Strength

In 15 Minutes
2 x 6 Alternating Reverse Lunge + 1 Split Jerk
2 x 4 Alternating Reverse Lunge + 1 Split Jerk
2 x 2 Alternating Reverse Lunge + 1 Split Jerk

  1. Front rack position, from racks, building.

III. Conditioning

Alternating EMOM 28
5 Power Snatch 155/110#
15 GHD Situps
20 WB 20/14#

  1. For hspu, perform as many strict as possible, then switch to kip

If you did any of the fittest games qualifiers here is an alternative

Alternating EMOM 28
10 Front Rack Walking Lunges (5 e/s) Choose a challenging weight
15 WB 20/14#
15 GHD Situps / 20 Hip Extensions alternating