Transition Week (9/12/16)

Congrats to everyone on their PRs during this last cycle! We saw a ton of huge PRs in the snatch and clean and jerk. This next cycle is going to focus primarily on the front squat and overhead strength. This week will be a transition week before we begin a new 8 week cycle. This is also a great time to do a bit of CrossFit or take some time off to rest any nagging aches and pains that developed.

A. Power Snatch + Snatch - Work up to 70-75% for 2+1 and then do 3 drop down sets @ 3-5kg less
B. Snatch RDL into Jump - 85% x 3 x 5
C. Push Press - 70% x 4 x 6
D. Back Squat - 65% x 5 x 4

BarbellEric RosenstockComment