Gimme Shelter


As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Air Squats

Coaches Notes

This Friday after the night classes we will be hosting a BBQ for all members and friends of batman (aka Josh Mahon). Come hang out with us and your friends at the gym!

Cindy is one of the most famous benchmarks and rightfully so. It contains three body weight movements that when strung together provide quite the kick to the lungs. It's important to remember that even as we improve and learn more advanced movements, the basics still have their place in our fitness routine. These building blocks only help us when we perform them diligently and correctly. There is a tendency to get sloppy on the easy movements. Remember that every ugly air squat reinforces ugly loaded squats. Every ugly push up reinforces poor midline stability. Commit to executing the basics and you will excel at the advanced.