Deep Comp- 7/29/16


Team workout at 11 AM tomorrow. Come early to warm up as we will start with strength right at 11 AM. The following week and thereafter will be 7 AM.

I. Strength

A1. Overhead Forward Alternating Lunges - 4 x 5 e/s (working weight)

A2. Weighted GHD Sit-up - 4 x 15 20/14

  1. Rest 60s between each set. 


II. Skill

B. Every 3 Minutes For 15 (5 sets):

3 Rope Climbs

8 Alt. Double KB FR Weighted Pistols (4 e/s)

30 Second Max Distance HS Walk


III. Conditioning

C. 5 Rounds

10 Power Snatch 75/55

10 C2B Pull-ups