Deep Comp- 2/1/16


It is officially Open month.   The month we've all been waiting for. Train like you mean it, make appointments to address nagging injuries, and spend extra time on recovery and prehab. This is your last opportunity to step it up and lock it in. Going to be an unforgettable season if we continue to put in the work.  

Eric and I would like to sit down with each and everyone of you to discuss goals, weaknesses, strengths, and how we can help serve you as we prepare for open and regional season. Please email us to schedule a time to meet.

 I. Goat Warm-Up

2 Rounds

15 Calorie AB (55/45, 65/55, 75/65 RPM)

15 Ring Dips


2 Rounds

2 BMU + 4 C2B + 6 T2B (rest 30-45s)


II. Strength

Back Squat - 5 - 3 - 3 - 3

  1. Keep effort in the 95% range, not necessarily percentage of 1rm

III. Weightlifting

8 Rounds

2 Snatches (Singles)

8-12 T2B

rest 60

  1. Work at 75%+
  2. Sets across
  3. Base your weight off what 75% felt like last week


IV. Conditioning


25 C2B

50 Wallball 20/14#

100 DU


V. Optional Conditioning

6k Row at 75% effort

*Every 4 Minutes stop to perform 7 SA Ring Row and 20' HS Walk

Chip Phillips8 Comments