Deep Turns 5 - Celebration & Competition

Another amazing year has gone by and we want to celebrate it with a friendly in-house competition! This year has brought a lot of great things including a new, larger gym in Deep Ellum and lots of new faces. We welcome ALL members from our Deep Training, Barbell, and Core classes to find a partner and help us celebrate five wonderful years! The competition will have two divisions: Fun and Rx’d. The description of each division is listed below.

The competition will start at 9:00 a.m. and end at approximately 2 p.m. Each division will complete three team workouts and a floater workout. We are capping each division at 20 teams. There will be prizes like Luke's Locker Gift Cards, Cryo, and more for the male and female team winners of each division! The cost to compete is $45 per team and includes a 5 year anniversary t-shirt. Registration ends October 21st.


Saturday October 25th, 9am-2pm Teams of 2: guy/guy ; girl/girl Divisions: Rx’d; Fun (scaled) Cost: $45 per team, t-shirt included Post Comp Festivities: Details to come this week!

Register here for Fun Division

Register here for Rx’d Division

Only one person from each team needs to register.

Division Descriptions

Fun Division: This division will involve movements that anyone can perform. If you routinely scale body-weight movements such as pull ups or use lighter weights than Rx’d, this division is for you. This is also for our first time in-house competition competitors.

RX'd Division: You should be able to perform all basic body-weight movements as Rx’d. For example: pull-ups without a band and HSPUs. You should also be able to handle loads typically seen in CrossFit workouts such as "Grace" or "Fran". If you have done an in-house competition and didn't scale, this is for you.

Volunteer Info

Not interested in competing, but still want to attend? We need your help by volunteering! You will be doing anything from counting reps, tracking scores, setting up/tearing down equipment, or coordinating heat assignments. Each volunteer will get a FREE t-shirt as a token of our appreciation. Please email by October 21st if you would like to volunteer.