Deep Comp- 9/12/16

National Day of Encouragement is observed annually on September 12. This day is dedicated to uplifting people around us and making a positive impact. National Day of Encouragement was intended for all of us to do something to offer encouragement to …

National Day of Encouragement is observed annually on September 12. This day is dedicated to uplifting people around us and making a positive impact. National Day of Encouragement was intended for all of us to do something to offer encouragement to those around us, whether it is someone at work or in our personal lives. Get out of your comfort zone to make a difference today👌🏽


   This is a midcycle back off week for strength training. This week is designed to help your CNS recover, but you can still expect some soreness as we are introducing some new movements. If you feel like you need to taper the work additionally, cut down on sets without skipping entire movements. 


I. Engine (session 1)

5 x 300 meters (rest 60s)

  1. Use the erg's interval feature, row at a pace that is 5% faster than your 2k 500m split, and shoot for absolute precision. If your goal pace is 140.0, then 139.8 is worse than 140.1. Upon completion, go to the erg's memory display and take note of your avg pace.
  2. Same pace as last week, but 15s less rest.


II. Weightlifting (session 2)

A. Snatch From Above Knee (Blocks): 3 x 3 @ 70%

  1. One focus here is lengthening the first pull through continuation of leg drive above the knee.
  2. Our other focus is correct positioning, and strengthening the portion of the movement above the knee. 
  3. Begin with your shins vertical, weight distributed predominantly in your heels, and your shoulders slightly in front of the bar. To begin the movement, floor press with your legs and keep your back angle the same for as long as possible before transitioning to the power position. 

B. Behind Neck Power Jerk + Power Jerk + Split Jerk: 3 x 1+1+1 @65-70%

  1. Our focus here is a vertical torso during the dip-drive and bar positioning in the receiving position. 

C. Back Squat: 3-4 x 5 @ 82-85% of Wk1 5RM


III. Gymnastics (session 1 or 2)

D. Strict Weighted Chin-ups: 3 x 5 (22x1) (rest 2 minutes)

  1. Working weight

E. Chest to Bar Pullups: Reps/Rest






  1. If these numbers are unattainable, scale the first set to 60 to 65% of your max c2b and descend from there.

 IV. Conditioning 2 (session 2)

Tabata mashup (8 consecutive minutes of tabata)

Burpees (6" target)

Wallball 30/20

  1. We only have one 30 pound wallball. Please plan accordingly  



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