Deep Comp- 7/20/16

I always won in my imagination. I always hit the game-winning shot, or I hit the free throw. Or if I missed, there was a lane violation, and I was given another one.- Mike Krzyzewski

I always won in my imagination. I always hit the game-winning shot, or I hit the free throw. Or if I missed, there was a lane violation, and I was given another one.

Mike Krzyzewski

I. Strength

Alternating EMOM 20:

Even Minutes: 4-6 T2B and 8-10 Lateral Box Step Overs 24/20

  1. For T2B, do 4 if your max set was <25, 6 if it was >25
  2. 4-5 NON weighted lateral step up and overs each side.

Odd Minutes: 2 Speed Deadlifts @65% and 3-4 Hollow Position Hold + Situp to L-sit


II. Conditioning

AMRAP 25 at (75-80% effort)

1 Squat Clean @80%

2 Front Squats

3 Rope Climbs

40' HS Walk (or 40s noes and toes to wall)

500m Row (85% of 2k Pace, AKA "recovery" pace)