Deep Comp- 7/18/16


I. Weightlifting

(perform A-D every 2 minutes for 18)

A. 2 Sets at 40%: 2 Hip Muscle Snatch + 2 Hang Muscle Snatch + 2 Tall Snatch

B. 2 sets at 70%: 1 Snatch High Pull + 1 BTK Hang Snatch + 1 Mid-thigh Hang Snatch

C. 2 sets at 75%: 1 Snatch Pull + Snatch

D. 3 sets at 80%: 1 Snatch


II. Strength 

(perform E every 2 minutes for 10)

E. Back Squat (no tempo this week)

5 @65%

4 @70%

3 @75%

2 @80%

1 @85%


III. Conditioning (20 minutes)

4 sets:

35s Hang Squat Clean 155/110#

25s C2B Pullups

60s Assault Bike Cals

4 Minutes- rest

 “Make it a great day—or not; the choice is yours.” -Julie Foucher

 “Make it a great day—or not; the choice is yours.”

 -Julie Foucher