Deep Comp-11/14/16

Ladies and Gentlemen, enter last week of Smolov Junior. Squat like you want something to brag about.

Ladies and Gentlemen, enter last week of Smolov Junior.

Squat like you want something to brag about.


I. Strength

Back Squat- 6x6 @70% (+10-20#)

(See notes about superset)

  1. After every other set, using your back squat weight, perform 3 pausing jerk dips with a 3s pause in the dip position. On the last two reps, extend vertically through your toes and pause for 2-3s. 
  2. Rest 2:30-2:45 between sets. On the jerk dip sets, the rest begins after the jerk dips.


II. Conditioning (Aerobic)

Every 8 for 48 (6 sets, completed as A, B, C, A, B, C):



Buy in: 800m Run

Single Leg Burpees (L) 



Buy in: 1000/800m Row

Single Leg Burpees (R) 



Buy in: 50/40 Cal Assault Bike 

Burpee Bar Muscleups

  1. There is a full three minutes of rest each round, so your effort should be in the 90% range each round. 

Post score as follows: 

A. A1 + A2 = Total

B. B1 + B2 = Total

C. C1 + C2 = Total





Chip Phillips11 Comments