Jason Riggins

Before I found CrossFit, my life was live, sleep, eat and breathe baseball. I began CrossFit during the summer before my senior year at Millsaps College where I played outfield and pitched. I was on a quest to be in the best shape of my life, and CrossFit was my answer. Toward the end of that summer, I became intrigued at how smaller athletes could be so powerful in the Olympic Lifts. It was then that I knew what I would be doing when my baseball career was over. Needless to say, Olympic Weightlifting is a very patient and humbling sport and has continued to teach me about myself and life in general. I have competed in several local weightlifting competitions and have coached our athletes at these competitions as well. In the past three years, I have trained under some great coaches with a combined 50+ years of experience in the sport. Currently, I am training to qualify for the 85kg class at the American Open.

