
Back Squat 4 x 1

These should be heavy but not maximal. Somewhere between 85-95% depending on how you feel. There should be zero break down in form.

Power Clean

Work up to a non maximal double in 10 minutes

As many reps as possible in 6 minutes

4 Deadlift (225/155) 4 Handstand Push Ups 4 Toes to bar

Reps increase by 4 after each round


Don't forget, the CrossFit Open starts this week!

Every year we participate as a gym and plenty of our members can tell you it is a blast. In case you haven't heard by now, we have teamed up with four other gyms in the area to host one of the Open workouts each week. We will have a more detailed post and schedule up today.

There are very few excuses for why you shouldn't participate so if you haven't signed up, head on over to the CrossFit Games Site and do it!