I Watched The Film

Front Squat

Work up to a heavy 4 reps in 10 minutes Then 90% for 3×3

As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes

5 Pistols (each leg) 10 Kettlebell Swings 25 Double Unders


Get ready for our next in-house competition, Lovers' Quarrel!

When? February 8th.

The competition will be designed for male/female pairs and will consist of 3 workouts. All workouts will require the pairs to work together. The entry fee is $40 per team. All of the proceeds from the competition will go directly to benefit Kevin Ogar.

Kevin Ogar is a Crossfitter from the Denver area who was injured in an unfortunate accident at a CrossFit competition in January. The accident left Kevin paralyzed from the waste down. He was without health insurance at the time of the accident. The Crossfit community has rallied around Kevin to support him and his recovery and rehab. This competition is our way to help in any small way we can. If you want more information on Kevin please visit kevinogar.com.

We will also have ways to donate if you are not competing but want to help.