Seek It Out

Barbell Work

A1) Push Press - 4x4 A2) Ring Row or Bent over Row 4x8 Rest 2 minutes between sets

Half Cindy

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes: 5 Pull ups 10 Push ups 15 Air Squats

Coaches Notes

To do a bent row, begin by setting up similarly to a deadlift. Hips are high, shins vertical, and chest covering the bar. The position we are looking to achieve once we break the bar off the floor, is the torso almost parallel to the ground. Row the barbell up until it makes contact with the lower part of your pecs. Guide the bar back till the arms are locked out but do not place the bar back on the ground. All reps should occur with the bar hanging from the arms slightly off the ground. Be sure not to lower the bar too quickly because the weight can pull the chest down and compromise the lower back's position.