Oh Time

3 Rounds3 Min Max Calorie Row 2 Min Max Single Arm Thruster 5 Min rest

There is no rest between row and thruster, the clock is constantly running. Your score is total reps + calories for both rounds.

Coaches Notes: I'm not sure if anyone is watching the newest season of Biggest Loser, but it's pretty motivating this season. There are two former athletes, a female wrestler, and female Olympic Weightlifter! I am pretty impressed with the intensity level of many of the contestants considering their current health and weight. It makes me realize we all can push a lot harder than we think. Today is a perfect style of workout to really push yourself to another level. Set time workouts are my favorite because the work is totally up to you. We all know rowing and thrusters are leg burners. Be a masochist for once and see just how much pain you can take. It will be rewarding I promise.