King Rides By

"Fight Gone Better"In this workout you move through five stations, spending 1 minute at each. Each round lasts 5 total minutes, there is no rest between stations. After each round there is a 1 minute break. Repeat for a total of 3 rounds.

1. Wallball (20#/14#) 2. Power Clean (75#) 3. Box Jump (20″/14") 4. Push Press (75#) 5. Row Calories

Your score is total reps and calories combined from all three rounds.

Coaches Notes: We are just five days away from our 3rd Paleo Challenge and I am getting pretty antsy. We have so many great things planned this time around and can't wait to see the amazing changes the participants will go through. Our kick off event is just the beginning. A few things you will see this time around: Mid challenge seminars, an exclusive paleo challenge section of the website, and we are splitting everyone into small groups with a designated coach to provide help along the way. These and other new twists are going to make this our best challenge yet!