Functional Movement Screens

Registration is open. Sign up for a time slot!

Does your lower back round during a deadlift?  Can you squat to full depth without your knees or ankles collapsing? Do you struggle to correctly perform an overhead squat?  Do your shins and knees hurt after running?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it is very likely that you have one or more limitations related to mobility and motor control.  These limitations lead to compensations in your basic functions that can, over time, result in injury.With a simple 15-minute test called the Functional Movement Screen, we can identify the specific mobility and/or stability limitations that are hindering your performance and provide you with a plan to fix them.

The Functional Movement Screen (“FMS”) is an assessment technique which attempts to identify imbalances in mobility and stability during fundamental movement patterns.  This assessment tool amplifies the individual’s compensatory movement problems, allowing for easy identification and grading.  The test comprises seven fundamental movement patterns that require a combination of mobility and stability.

Individuals who are unable to perform these simple movements resort to utilizing compensatory movement patterns during their activities, sacrificing efficient movements for inefficient ones in order to perform at higher levels.  If these compensations are left unchecked, then movement dysfunction will be reinforced leading to increased risk of injury.

The FMS creates a baseline to mark progress and provide a means to measure performance.  It identifies specific exercises based on individual FMS scores to create customized corrective warm-up routines.

The FMS takes only 15 minutes to complete.  We will begin offering the FMS on Tuesdays from 5:00pm to 6:30pm in 15-minute intervals starting October 18th.  The cost is only $40, and it includes the test as well as a comprehensive corrective exercise prescription. To reserve your spot, click here and select a time slot. If you do not know your zenplanner login, please comment below and we will resend your password to the email we have on file.

We are excited to help our members better understand the limitations they are experiencing and learn how to go about eliminating them.

DISCLAIMER:  The FMS is not intended to diagnose orthopedic problems but rather to demonstrate limitations or asymmetries in healthy individuals with respect to basic movement patterns.

**Due to the limited number of time slots available each week, a minimum of 24 hours notice is required for all cancellations or to reschedule.**

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