Burpees for Africa

One of our long time members, Scott Hanson, is traveling to the small village of Njuthine (pronounced ju-THEE-knee) in Kenya for two weeks in August. He has been raising money and donations for medical supplies for the trip. He is traveling with a group that includes two doctors who will be giving care to the villagers. After talking to Scott about how we could help, we decided it would be a great community effort for us to try and raise some additional donations. How You Can Help: Next Saturday (24th) at the beginning of the 10am Free Saturday Workout, all of the CrossFit Deep coaches will be doing Max Burpees in 3 minutes. We are looking for people who will sponsor one of the coaches by pledging an amount per burpee completed by that coach. For example, this morning one of our members pledged .50c per burpee and sponsored Koy. If he completes 50 burpees in 3 minutes that equals a $25 donation!

If you would like to sponsor a coach, we have a sign up sheet at the gym, simply choose an amount you feel comfortable with and select which coach you want to sponsor. This will also be a great chance for anyone who is coming to the Free Saturday Workout to see the power of our community. Also, if you ever wanted to see all the coaches square off, I am sure you will get a kick out of it!

So come by next Saturday and cheer us on! More from Scott: Some of you know about this, but for those that don’t, I’ll be going to the small village of Njuthine in Kenya for the first two weeks of August. I’ve been raising money and donations for medical supplies for the trip. The traveling group includes two doctors who will be giving care to the villagers.

There are some things we are still gathering that to us seem simple, but make a huge difference to the over 500 kids we will be seeing in Njuthine.

Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, and Toe nail clippers.

Money of course goes a long ways also – we also have an eye doctor going on this trip and he can purchase reading glasses @ $.69 per pair and medication that prevents blindness @ $3.00 each.

Any additional funds collected after the purchase of the above list will go towards medical supplies/equipment i.e. otoscopes and blood pressure cuffs etc… that can be used at the new clinic long after our departure.

I’ll be happy to tell you more about it if you want, but feel I have already taken up more than my share of your time. Thanks for considering supporting this effort and thanks to the coaches.