What Now?

The Opens are over! But wait, now what?

First, the entire Deep team wants to congratulate everyone for pushing themselves to their limits and in some cases, competing for the first time. We saw people complete movements for the first time, set PRs on lifts during grueling workouts, and come away with more confidence than ever. We also know from the experience of being in every Open since the beginning, that "Post Open Fatigue" can set in.

For five weeks we've structured every week's program around Friday's Open workout. After each workout, we crossed movements off a list of what we could see next. This means we often placed less emphasis on certain movements after seeing them used already. We make this choice every year to ensure our members can perform to the best of their ability each week. We also know that this somewhat places a pause on training to reach other goals. It is this grind that sometimes leaves people worn out and not sure what to get themselves excited for.

Don't worry, we have lots in store to get you excited and focused on new goals and achievements. This week will serve as a slight deload / taper to allow you to mentally and physically recover. Trust us, the workouts will still be hard, but the accumulated volume and intensity over the entire week will be less. 

Starting the first week of April, we will set our sights on a number of new goals. Programming will be up Sunday night for the entire week. We will release the goals for each six week cycle and our reasoning to help you understand what we are training towards.

Look for more announcements coming soon so if you haven't joined our members only Facebook group, go ahead and hop on that now!

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