Posts tagged Week 9
Deep Comp - 08/22/15

I. Warm-Up

Guided Warmup

II. Strength

Clean E2MOM 24 (12 sets):
Sets 1-3: up to 70%
Sets 4-6: up to 80%
Sets 7-9: up to 90%
Sets 10-12: up to 103%

Bench Press - 90% x 2 x 4

IV. Conditioning

Buy In:
40ft Sled Sprint
40ft Sled Pull

Rest 2 Min

10 Rounds (alternating)
10 Power Cleans 135/95#
10 Burpees

Rest 2 Min

Cash Out:
40ft Sled Sprint
40ft Sled Pull

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Deep Comp - 08/18/15

I. Warm Up

400m Run
30 Sec Couch Stretch e/s
5 Bent Over DB I/Y/T
10 Jerk Balance

II. Strength

Jerk - 80% x 1 x 3, 85% x 1 x 3, 90% x 1 x 3

III. Skillrobic

6 Rounds
100m Run
50ft HS Walk
5 Muscleups
Rest 2 Minutes

  1. Scale for muscle ups today is feet up ring transitions

IV. Conditioning

AMRAP in 20
10 Push Jerks 135/95#
15 T2B
20/16 Cals AB

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Deep Comp - 08/17

I. Warm Up

5 minute Assault Bike
Teres Minor Mash
Barbell warmup

  1. Spend extra time with just a bar working positions and drilling speed and crisp footwork

II. Strength

E2MOM 24 (12 sets):
Sets 1-3: up to 70%
Sets 4-6: up to 80%
Sets 7-9: up to 90%
Sets 10-12: up to 103%

  1. Don't take more than 12 attempts since you have heavy back squat afterwards.

Back Squat - 85% x 3 x 4
(Rest 4-5 Minutes)

  1. Get the work done. Add gear if necessary. 

III. Skillrobic

6 Rounds
3 Weighted Dips (+5-10#)
12 Wallball 20/14#
36 Double Unders
Rest 90s

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