Deep Comp - 10/06/15

I. Warm-Up

75 Double Unders
Shoulder Capsule Stretch
30 Second Bat Wing Hold

II. Strength 

A. E3MOM 9 (3 sets): Press
0. 1 x 5 @75%
3. 1 x 5 @80%
6. 1 x 5+ @85%

  1. Increase training max by 5-10#. Attempt to beat reps from week So, you're basing percentages off of 90% + 5-10#.   

B1. OHS - 6 x 2 - Rest 0 (32x1)

B2. 15 Weighted GHD Situps / 15 Weighted GHD Hip Extension (1113 Tempo)

  1.  Use more weight than week 2 for ohs.
  2. Alternate sets for B2

III. Gymnastics

C2B Pullups 8x8 (rest 40s)

IV. Conditioning

AMRAP in 8
3 Muscle ups
10 Hang Power Clean 115/75#
30 Double Unders
Minute 8:00-9:00 AMRAP Thrusters 115/75#