Holiday 17 - Tip 3 - Create a chain of success

TIP 3 - Create a chain of success - Chip

Buy a big calendar to stick on the back of a door or fridge, and a green and red marker for checkmarks (days you followed guidelines) and Xs (days you didn’t follow guidelines).

You cannot reach a 30 day goal in one day, but if you start small, then big things can happen. Focus all your energy into earning a green checkmark on the calendar at the end of the day.

Though it’s inherently simple in nature, this exercise is perfect for our likes, comments, followers and positive reinforcement-driven culture. Checking green at the end of the day will create a dump of dopamine, which will help you strive to recreate this process the following day.

One day at a time, you will start to create momentum, and momentum is a powerful thing. As momentum builds, it will be easier to complete your goal each subsequent day.

Looking back at a chain of green checkmarks will remind you of your recent successes, and give you the confidence you need for today’s challenges.