Posts tagged Week 2
Deep Comp - 07/04/2015


 *Open gym 11-1pm

I. Warm-Up

30 Calorie Assault Bike
40' Low Hip Bear Crawl
40' Backwards Bear Crawl
15 SLRDL e/s (empty barbell)

  1. Move slowly and deliberately on bear crawls. Focus on working through tight ranges of motion. 

II. Strength

2 Thrusters + 1 Jerk

60% x 2+1, 65% x  2+1, 70% x  2+1, 75% x  2+1 x 2, 75% x max reps + 1

  1. Complete two thrusters. Bring the bar back to shoulder and do a split jerk. Percentage is off of best Push Press.
  2. For the last set, do max reps followed by a jerk. Try to beat last week's score. 

III. Conditioning

(teams of two)
5 x 200m Sled Push (135/95#)
(rest 4 Minutes)

  1. Partner who is not working will perform farmer carries 100/70#. Switch partners at any point. Add weight each set. Note weights and times for each set.
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Deep Comp - 07/03/2015

I. Warm-Up

PNF Hamstring Stretch
500m Row
20 Ring Row
30 DB Dead Walks (video)

II. Strength

Deadlift - 75% x 5 x 5 

  1. No bounce, stay tight and lightly touch the ground. 
  2. No belts, cut weight if unable to maintain solid midline

Clean - 75% x 3 x 5

  1. Perform dip-drive on last set.

III. Skillrobic

3 Min Max Distance HS Walk
(regionals was 250')

If you've never done 20' unbroken:

  1. 4-5x 60s Nose and Toes on Wall.
  2. If too easy, add shoulder touches during hold.

IV. Conditioning

3 Rounds
21 Calorie Assault Bike
21 Burpees to 6" Target
3:30 Min Rest

  1. Record time for each round
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Deep Comp - 07/02/15

Rest Day Protocol

Hey guys, although today is a rest day, we recommend doing the following to aid with recovery.

Active Recovery

Spend 20-40 minutes doing one of the following at very low intensity:

  1. Row (18-20 stroke rate, work on stroke efficiency and mechanics)
  2. Assault Bike (very low rpm, sit and chat with people in classes)
  3. Cycling (if you have a bike, go ride it around)
  4. Swim (soak up some vitamin D at a pool and relax)

Mobility / Corrective Movements

Spend 15-30 minutes going through various mobility drills that address your main problem areas. Talk to a coach for ideas and recommendations. If you have imbalances, spend some time going through light movements that are corrective in nature. 


  1. Single Leg RDLs / Hip Extensions
  2. Scapula Training with Crossover Symmetry Drills
  3. Anti-Rotational Core Work
  4. Bell-Up KB Presses
  5. Rolling Drills

Passive Recovery

These are recovery methods that don't require you to do any activity. This could be getting a massage, doing Cryo, soaking in epsom salt, taking a contrast shower, etc.


Your body needs the right building blocks to recovery damaged tissue, replenish depleted glycogen stores, and reduce CNS fatigue. Off days are perfect for meal prep and planning out your fueling for your next workouts

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Deep Comp - 07/01/15


Our evening coaches have had to clean up quite a lot of equipment from our competition group the past two evenings. Please remember to clean up all equipment. This means barbells and weights returned, boxes stacked back neatly from where they came, ropes tied back up around the posts, mats rolled back up and put up against the wall, etc. Lets start off on a good foot and make sure we respect the coaches that have to stay late enough already to close up the gym at night. 

I. Warm-Up

400m Run
30 GHD Hip Extension
60s Lax Ball Glute Mash e/s
60s Couch Stretch e/s

II. Strength

Pause Front Squat - 65% x 3 x 5 - #23X1
Rest 90 sec to 2 Min

Snatch - 75% x 3 x 5 
Rest 90 sec to 2 Min

  1. Hold overhead for 2 seconds before dropping weight

III. Conditioning

5 Rounds
20 Calorie Row
20 GHD Situps
20 KB Farmer Carry Walking Lunges 35/25#

  1. No stutter step during walking lunges. Feet never stop next to each other.
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Deep Comp - 06/30/15

I. Warm-Up

2 Rounds
8 Wallballs 30/20# (max height)
10 Thoracic Glute Bridges
12 Calorie Row

  1. Row at 60-70% effort.
  2. Throw the wallball as high as possible while maintaining rythmic unbroken sets.
  3. Place upper back on PVC Roller with arms extended over your head, fully extend hips by squeezing glutes, then return to the floor to complete the rep. 

II. Strength

Push Press - 70% x 5 x 5 TnG From Shoulders
(Rest less than 3 Minutes)

  1. Focus on Speed.

Power Clean - 75% x 3 x 5 - TnG No Bounce
(Rest 2 Minutes)

III. Skillrobic

Every Two Minutes for 12 Minutes (6 sets):
2 Rope Climbs
13-- Strict HSPU
25 Double Unders

  1. "--" = Reduce 1 rep each round
  2. Scale = Controlled Decent or Box Piked HSPU

IV. Conditioning

For total reps:

4 Muscle Ups / 8 Ring Dips
8 KB Swings 70/53#

Rest 1 Min

7 C2B
14 KB SDHP 70/53#

Rest 1 Min

10 Pullups
10 SA KB Push Press Total 70/53#

  1. Handle must come between the chin and clavicle on SDHP. 
  2. For KB PP, do 5 on one side and then switch to the other. 
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Deep Comp - 06/29/15

I. Warm-Up

3 Minutes Assault Bike (55% effort)
14 Goodmorning Into Jump (empty barbell)
16 Cossack Squats (total) (video)
60 Sec Calf / Achilles Mash on KB  

  1. Determine your "55%" RPM and stay in that range for the entire 2 Minutes.
  2. Perform a standard goodmorning.  On the way up, initiate a vertical jump. Come off the ground as if it were a burpee jump.
  3. The Cossack Squat is a great way to stretch out hamstrings and groin while also improving single leg stability in a pistol.

II. Strength

Back Squat - 68% x 5 x 5 - no sleeves, weightlifters, or belts.
(Rest exactly 2 minutes)

2 Snatch Balance + 1 Hip Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch - 65% x 2+1+1 x 6 - from rack
(Rest exactly 2 minutes)

III. Skillrobic

8 Box Jump Overs
8 UB T2B

*Your score is your slowest round.
(Slightly more T2B volume than last week)

IV. Conditioning

AMRAP in 10
400m Run (80%)
3 Power Snatch (135/95)

  1. Goal is to complete snatches and ohs in a single set without dropping.
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