Posts tagged Week 10
Deep Comp - 08/28/15

We will be hitting 3 rep maxes for Back Squat, Deadlift, and Bench Press to finish out the week. Based on these numbers we will recalculate training maxes for our next cycle. We felt it was unnecessary to expose added risk by attempting a 1 rep at this point in our training. Not only does this help with keeping everyone healthy, but 3rm and 5rm's have more carry over to CrossFit events. 

You will have both Friday and Saturday to establish a 3rm for Bench Press, Squat, and Deadlift. Use your own judgment when deciding which day to determine each max, based on how your body feels. 

Next week will be an active rest week before we make more serious gains on the next cycle.. Go get it!

I. Warm-Up 

3 rounds

60s Assault bike
10 V-Rolls
30s e/s Couch Stretch 

II. Strength

Back Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press..

Find a 3rm (choose 1-2 of the above)

  1. The idea is to hit approximately 92.5% of your 1rm goal. 

III. Gymnastics

8x8 Kipping Pullups (rest 40s)

IV. Conditioning

4 Rounds

8 Overhead Squats 155/110# 

50 Single Unders (heavy rope) 

300m Row



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Deep Comp - 08/26/15

I. Warm-Up

800m Row
Banded Wall Squat
Glute / High Hamstring Mash
10 Single Leg Box Jump e/s

II. Strength

Front Squat - 85% x max reps for one set

III. Gymnastics

8x8 Kipping Pullups (rest 40s)

IV. Conditioning

AMRAP in 5
6 Thrusters 95/65#
9 Toes to bar

Rest 2 Min

AMRAP in 4
6 S2O 135/95#
9 Alternating Pistols

Rest 2 Min

AMRAP in 3
ME GHD Situps

  1. For the pistols, alternate the leg you start each set with, so you don't accumulate more reps on one side.  
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Deep Comp - 08/25/15

I. Warm-Up

400m run

Couch stretch

Jerk balance

II. Strength

Jerk - 85% x 1 x 2, 90% x 1 x 2, 95% x 1 x 2

III. Conditioning

Snatch Speed Ladder (rest 5 minutes between 1&2)

200m Sprint, then:
1. Squat Snatch: 135-145-155-165
2. Squat Snatch: 175-185-195-205

1. Squat Snatch: 100-105-110-115
2. Squat Snatch: 125-130-135-140

  1. You will need four bars set up.
  2. You must lower the bar in front of you after a successful rep.
  3. Scaling: If the last weight is more than 90% of your 1RM, scale to 90%.

IV. Skillrobic

Alternating EMOM 12
3 Rope Climbs
9 Skullcrushers (yes really)
45 Double unders

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Deep Comp - 08/24/15

I. Warm-Up

5 Min Assault Bike Easy Pace
Barbell Quad Mash
40ft Squat Walk
40ft High Butt Bear Crawl

II. Strength

Back Squat - 88% x 2 x 4

Deadlift - 95% x 1 x 1

III. Skillrobic

10 Rounds
2/1 BMU
5/4 Calorie Assault Bike
Rest :30

IV. Conditioning

40 Burpees
400m Run
30 Burpees
300m Run
20 Burpees
200m Run
10 Burpees
100m Run

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