Competition - 06/09/2014

Week 2 Tests We will meet Saturday morning at 7:30am. If you want to do the Deep Comp program, please be there or email me if you have to miss.

Day 1: Work up to heavy Front Rack Lunge Rest 5 Minutes Max Continuous Front Rack Lunge @75% Record: Weight, Total steps taken, Mental and Physical State (during / after)

Max Double Unders in 2 Minutes Rest 15 Seconds Max Double Unders in 2 Minutes

Day 2: Weighted Pull Up

Find a max

6-8x 100m Sprint Rest 1 minute - Stop if times slow by more than 1.5 seconds of your best - Have someone time you

Day 3: Olympic Mock Meet Warm up, then hit 3 Snatches Rest 10 Minutes Warm up, then hit 3 Clean & Jerks