Competition Program


The competition programming has a very specific focus, to develop athletes for high level CrossFit competitions

Movement Requirements:

Complete a full Deep Barbell cycle or demonstrate intermediate to advanced understanding of the lifts Possess all basic to intermediate gymnastics movements (push ups, strict pull ups, toes to bar, ring dips, etc) No major mobility restrictions (meet with coach to discuss options)

Deep Comp Classes:

We will begin with two coach led class times: Tuesday 6:30PM & Saturday 7:30AM We will continue to add coached classes as the program grows You may workout during class times in the barbell room You may workout in the main room during open gym

Week 1 & 2 Testing:

The first two weeks of programming will be testing. Please find time to complete each of the tests and record the included details. Please try and make it to either Tuesday evening or Saturday (not this Saturday due to Weightlifting Meet) morning for an orientation of sorts. We will discuss the competition program in more detail and you will be able to do some of the tests as well

W1 Tests:

Day 1: Back Squat Find a max

Row Max Meters in 15 Minutes Record: Meters every 5 minutes, Mental and Physical State (during / after)

Day 2: Back Squat Max Reps @ 85% of Day 1 Max

AFAP 3x 12 Power Cleans (95/65) 12 Burpees Rest 10 Minutes, Repeat Record for each: Time, Mental and Physical State (during / after)

Day 3: Power Jerk Find a max

AMRAP in 8 Power Jerk - Max Reps @ 90% Take bar from the ground Record: Total reps, Mental and Physical State (during / after)


Max UB Strict Chin Ups Rest 90 Seconds Repeat